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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is is a website i created for my community, people often use spreadsheets, we upgraded them and made this site. You may search categories in Products to find an item of your liking.

2. Is it easy to use?

Yes, if you ever need help just join our discord, there is always someone willing to help.

3. What is AllChinaBuy?

AllChinaBuy is a Chinese agent, they purchase, quality check and ship your goods to your doorstep.

4. How to buy on AllChinaBuy?

I have a tutorial on YouTube, you may also check the HOW-TO on this website.

5. Can I use AllChinaBuy on my phone?

Yes, AllChinaBuy has its own app and can be downloaded on AppStore.

6. Is it safe?

Yes, buying with AllChinaBuy is all legal and safe.

7. What are the payment options?

On AllChinaBuy you can pay with credit card, debit card, card transfer, applepay, googlepay, and many other options.

8. How long does it take to recieve my haul?

After you submit a parcel it usually takes 7-14 days to receive it. It mostly depends which shipping line you choose.

9. If I need help, where can i find it?

If you ever need help just join our discord, there are plenty people who will help you. 🙂